

All children want to get the most out of their course and life at school, but there may well be times when other concerns or problems interfere with that aim.

Arrangements have been made to offer personalized. Counseling to children should they feel the need, as talking through issues at such times can often help identify and resolve matters before they become crises. To enable the students in making judicious selection suitable to their personal aptitudes in career opportunities, they are provided professional guidance by Career Guidance centre.

Fees Payment

  • Term - 1(June 15)June,July,august(3)
  • Term - 2(Sep 15)Sep,oct,nov(3)
  • Term - 3(Dec 15)Dec,Jan(2)
  • Term - 4(Feb 15)


Parents withdrawing their child during the currency of a Term will not be entitled to refund of fee. Parents who decide to discontinue the education of a child from the next term must give due notice in writing to reach the Principal not less than 30 days before the start of the next term.

Admission Enquiry Form

Student Details

Parent/Guardian Details